Retired Navy SEAL Don Shipley BUSTS Walter Phillip Holt from Alpharetta, Georgia. Walt was first spotted at a Canton, Georgia Native American “Pow Wow on Mother’s Day in 2012” when these video pictures were taken and a year- long search into “who he was” began.
On Mother’s Day 2013 Walt reappeared again in Canton, Georgia and BUSTED by a former Navy Vet that Walt shared all his bullshit stories to.
Not ONLY does Walt claim to have been a highly decorated Navy SEAL Black Ops veteran, he also claims he was a Navy Officer who was “busted down,” a Prisoner of War and also MIA. He also claims a Doctorate degree which is also bullshit……
I contacted “Doc Sandlin” who replaced Holt at and asked about Holt… Doc Sandlin, a Dentist, BLEW ME OFF QUICKLY and offered ZERO help when I asked if Holt still had any dealings with Boy Scouts in his area.
I then contacted George Snipes, Senior District Executive|Button Gwinnett District
Atlanta Area Council, BSA and expressed concern that Holt might still have a presence with Scouting in Atlanta. Mr. Snipes wrote me back saying
” I appreciate you concern for the wellbeing of our Scouts, however the Atlanta Area Council nor the BSA are investigative agencies. I suggest you direct your issues directly to Mr. Holt.”
George Snipes
Senior District Executive|Button Gwinnett District
Atlanta Area Council, BSA
B 770.989.2876 |C 404.545.2525
Mr. Snipes as well as Doctor Sandlin DID NOTHING when I expressed concern that someone like Holt was still involved in mentoring young people.
Finally… I contacted Tom Wilson, Assistant to the Executive Director, Atlanta Area Council, Boy Scouts of America after he was sent Holt’s background. Mr. Wilson was very firm in the BSA position that they could not say anything about what they were doing or did about Holt and I’m left to wonder if another member of the BSA swept this under the rug.
Bottom Line… I don’t believe a person of Holts low moral character should be allowed any leadership positions with any youth groups. Mr. Holt has many problems and his “delusions of grandeur” are one of his biggest.…
Phil Holt
Order of the Arrow, Egwa Tawa Dee Lodge #129, For more information and to let them know you are attending, please contact: Tella Qualla Boundary Chapter Adviser Phil Holt at [email protected], telephone PRIOR To 8:30 pm at 678-592-4943.
One year ago (Mothers Day 2012) a good friend of mine spotted Holt with all his
medals at a Native American powwow in Canton GA. He had never seen
this individual before and didn’t know who he was. He figured him to
be a phony and took a couple of pictures of him and emailed them to me.
I also had never seen him at the many powwows I had participated in
over the previous ten or so years. I asked many of my Native friends if
they knew him, but no one did. This year (Mothers Day 2013) I made it a
point to attend the powwow and , sure enough, he was there. As soon as
I saw him, I introduced myself to him and mentioned that I, too, was in
the Navy. I pointed to his SEAL Trident and said “and you are a SEAL”
He acknowledged it with a nod of his head and a big smile “YES”. I
asked him what training class he was in and he told me something like
2165. I don’t remember the exact number, but I remember it was a four
digit number.. At the time, I was standing very close to him and I
noticed that his Trident was made out of a very thin material about the
thickness of a soup can. It was obviously a copy or a reproduction (
and a cheap one, too). During the course of the day I approached him on
several more occasions. Each time he had a new tall tale to tell me.
That he was an officer – got busted for slugging a Colonel in the
Marines – stood an inspection on the day he got out and was awarded the
Navy Cross as he walked out the door. Supposedly it was for sneaking
into China and killing several rogue American officers and returning
their bodies to the U S government. He also said he was a sniper. The
three ships he actually served on were all at one time in territorial
waters of Vietnam – thus the three service ribbons which were
authorized. All the rest are fantasy.
Holt also claims to have a Doctorate in Commissioner Science. In
talking with my contact at the Boy Scouts, it is not a real college
degree or even a real Doctorate. Holt also claims to have graduated
from the University of Florida. I talked with the registrar and she
told me he only attended two quarters at U of FL (Fall 66 and Winter 67)
The man is obviously delusional. The sad part is that he has and has
had an opportunity to fill a lot of young impressionable minds full of
his bull shit.