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Don Shipley BUSTS “STEVE, THE PIG GUY.” Steve claimed three Medals of Honor, nine Navy Crosses, nine Silver Stars, nine Bronze Stars and three Purple Hearts on a DD-214 (Military Discharge Papers) he forged.

In PART TWO of the Pig Guy, Steve comes clean after he discovers who Don Shipley is and what he does to SEAL Phonies on the Internet.

Steve was given a ZERO of HERO moment. Tell me what you did and why you did it and I won’t publish your personal information on the Internet and we’ll keep those pesky Muslims from killing you for that DUMBASS PIG STORY you told me…

Part TWO of Steve the Pig Guy will air soon on YouTube… Subscribe to my channel as Steve explains why he is a 60-year old lifeless, underachieving, piece of shit, Valor Stealing, Phony SEAL…

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