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Mark Lloyd Body Builder Clown Navy SEAL Commander

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Retired Navy SEAL Don Shipley BUSTS Mark Lloyd the Body Builder Navy SEAL Commander. Mark posted his bullshit on Craigslist for his “Body Connection Personal Training and Fitness Consulting crap.
What better way to build a Fitness business than claiming to be a Navy SEAL. Marks problem is he claims BUD/S Class 716 and 716 won’t graduate SEAL Training for another 82.6 years. Mark also claims to be a past Commanding Officer of SEAL Team FOUR and he can’t even get the right coast Team FOUR is on…
Mark doesn’t see the problem with him claiming to be a Navy SEAL Commander to better his business and to profit from those claims. Mark operates his Fitness Crap in Mesquite, Forney, Sunnyvale, and Rockwell Texas.

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