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Kurt Allen Wilkinson

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What does a liar do when his lie is exposed? He lies. It seems the subject of our Stolen Valor series which stretches across several 360 pages has backtracked from his original statement in private that the picture of PO2 Dietz is him.

Kurt Wilkinson now says this in his blog blast: “I am a seal and I apologize for the picture, MY PICTURE is there and ws NOT out of Disrepect at all …just a respectfull I AM in there running thing…”

Kurt: You are NOT a SEAL. The Jig is up. There is no lie you can tell to overcome the lies you’ve already told. It is time for you to come clean. Tell all the women (and few men) on your list that you are a liar, that you have stolen the valor of two fallen heroes. Quit threatening those that have exposed you.

KURT: You are a COWARD. You are obviously so lacking in ability and merit of your own that you feel you must lie to attract women. You are a disgusting, despicable POS. And by the way, learn to spell. It is NOT respectful to claim the pictures of men that were killed in service to their country to be you.

Now he claims publicly that the picture of Scott Helveston, taken from a 1992 Seals Calender is him. Who is Scott Helveston? Scott was a REAL SEAL who served his tour of duty honorably and after his service joined the employment of Blackwater following the 9/11 attacks in order to continue to serve his country.

This is Scott Helveston,… former USN SEAL:

First and foremost, Scott Helvenston was a father, son, grandson, brother, fiance and friend. He was the youngest-ever graduate of the Navy SEALs, a fitness buff and an actor. He was a world-champion pentathlon winner. He had worked with Demi Moore and John Seitz on the 1997 film G.I. Jane as Moore’s training instructor both on and off the set. He also served as a stunt man for the movie Face/Off. Other actors he worked with included Anne Bancroft, Hidalgo and Lord of the Rings’ Viggo Mortensen and Lucinda Jenney. Most recently, he was a principal star of the USA Television reality series Combat Missions and Man vs. Beast. On Wednesday, the 38 year-old man was among four U.S. civilian military contractors burned to death, hanged and mutilated in Fallujah, Iraq by Iraqi beasts. An angry mob dragged his body and three others through the streets of downtown Fallujah. Two of the victims were strung on the side of a bridge.

At the age of 17, Helvenston graduated from the Navy SEALs’ BUD/S program. Between 1982-1994, he was deployed by the SEALs four times, and served both in the elite special forces, and as a Free Fall instructor for four years.

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