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John Hoven

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John Hoven Bed Bug Guy. Fake Fraud Phony Military Impostor

Retired Navy SEAL Don Shipley BLASTS Phony Navy SEAL of the Week John Hoven, the Bed Bug Guy. John Hoven resides in a Trailer Park (Go Figure) in Southeast Portland, Oregon. John STOLE, I’m sure, over $50,000 from the good people of Portland and thousands on man-hours on his filthy Trailer. The amount of new footage that captured his SEAL hat and Flags demonstrates that this was ONLY done because John claimed to be a NAVY SEAL… John Hoven is in the Top 5 most despicable phonies I’ve ever had the displeasure to speak with… 
To think… That the guys who killed Bin Laden could be represented by a Poster Child for “Trailer Park Trash.” He was NEVER a Navy SEAL. He is a Fake, Fraud, Phony, Impostor.

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