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Deadbeat dad from holbrook (Holbrook)

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Deadbeat dad from holbrook (Holbrook)

You have no idea the hatred we all for you. You ran like a little bitch when u realized you had no control over any of us any more. Watching our mother work her ass off to pay these more then absolute uncontroable bills u left with this family and home. Your a mommas boy you Always will be. You make our stomaches turn and to think you were once the man we all looked up to. It’s ok. We will be laughing and you and your little gf when u talk to one another through glass for back child support u failed to pay you fucking chicken hawk. Hope she has the bail money for you. And then the other few thousand u owe. U prey on women and other individuals you can maniupulate. I honestly feel bad for her. She has no idea. SOOOOO **THE DEAD BEAT DOUCHEBAG DAD AWARD GOES TO YOUUUUU. Mr. D! U fuckin disgrace of a so called man. ALL OF OUR UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, ( liquified in a blender then spat in your face) wellll I think u know who. P.s hope u have a great excuse for God when you get there ****peace “BRO”***

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