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Shannon Bustillos

Tweet She is jealous of other women with big breasts she will flirt with your man she gets mad if her husband daniel...

posted on: Oct 24, 2016 | author: Ima Cummings

Cindy Dwyer Evil x (Nassau)

Tweet Evil x (Nassau) My x Cindy and I parted ways about 3 weeks ago. She turned out to be a nut case physco. She...

posted on: Sep 27, 2016 | author: Ima Cummings

You just wait Missy

Tweet You just wait Missy In a couple of months I’m getting a huge job promotion and you’re going on a...

posted on: Sep 27, 2016 | author: Ima Cummings

Gina (Garden city park)

Tweet Gina (Garden city park) You have a face like a rat , and a personality like one too , I told you to not say...

posted on: Sep 27, 2016 | author: Ima Cummings