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SO WHAT LITTLE WORD IS YOUR AUT.FLG. PICKING UP TO TAKE THIS POST OFF WHEN YOU ARE GUILTY YOU ARE GUILTY. JAIL TIME DOESN’T SEEM APPEALING, THEY SAY WHEN YOU PUT SOMETHING ON A COMPUTER IT IS ALWAYS THERE. IS THAT TRUE? Where is it 0K for a person to send p0rn to an E/M which makes said PERS0N J0EFREEMAN a F=E=L=0=N(FELONY). The porn was taken from a ViDE0 that stated not suitable for who,… JF? C-h-i-l-d-r-e-n,………. that is right……. then you went so far as to tell them to enj0y. What kind of deviant does this? No where in this world should the two EVER be mentioned TOGETHER! What kind of quack are you?No M0RALS … integrity……….. You J0EFREEMAN of Nosto Conneticut . broke the law. Look it up! /statute/statute/statute/statute/statute/is this the word 

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