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Michael J. Coffey

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Michael J. Coffey, 54
AOL IM: DavieWants2
Location: Suffolk County, New York

michael j coffey

DavieWants2 [12:43 PM]: such a cute boi, why so negative
SnapShotDeath [12:43 PM]: live sucks
DavieWants2 [12:44 PM]: so do lots of things kid, dont let it get YOU down
SnapShotDeath [12:45 PM]: i hate ny and being poor and gay
DavieWants2 [12:46 PM]: sorry life suckss, but get over it
SnapShotDeath [12:46 PM]: if i got a rich dad i be happy
DavieWants2 [12:47 PM]: reely, i can make YOu reel happy boi
SnapShotDeath [12:47 PM]: how?
DavieWants2 [12:47 PM]: taking YOu into my life and makeing YOU my little fagboi and make YOU adore me and my needs
SnapShotDeath [12:48 PM]: ur profi says ur a boy scot dude they not rich
DavieWants2 [12:48 PM]: yeah but i have plenty from an inheritance boi
SnapShotDeath [12:49 PM]: u really a boy scot?
SnapShotDeath [12:50 PM]: ?
DavieWants2 [12:50 PM]: yes, of course i am
SnapShotDeath [12:50 PM]: thats so gay
DavieWants2 [12:51 PM]: why, you should see some of those bois naked bodies, waht a turn on ,,its hard to not want them
SnapShotDeath [12:51 PM]: they dont got hair
DavieWants2 [12:52 PM]: well most dont, and there the ons i like to “watch”
SnapShotDeath [12:52 PM]: i like big cocks
DavieWants2 [12:53 PM]: im into looking at my bois asses
SnapShotDeath [12:53 PM]: <—14 i got hair when i was 11
DavieWants2 [12:54 PM]: wow relly
SnapShotDeath [12:54 PM]: where u frum?
DavieWants2 [12:55 PM]: long islnad
SnapShotDeath [12:55 PM]: daym ur close
DavieWants2 [12:56 PM]: but i only like young bois
SnapShotDeath [12:57 PM]: i no lots of dudes younger then me
SnapShotDeath [1:00 PM]: u there?
SnapShotDeath [1:08 PM]: where u go?
DavieWants2 [1:08 PM]: wetting up a meeting with rickyboi
SnapShotDeath [1:09 PM]: huh?
DavieWants2 [1:09 PM]: sorry timing is everything
SnapShotDeath [1:10 PM]: y u say that?
DavieWants2 [1:11 PM]: casue i wanted YOU fisrst
SnapShotDeath [1:11 PM]: im still here
DavieWants2 [1:11 PM]: yeah, but ricky is already waiting for me
SnapShotDeath [1:11 PM]: how old he?
DavieWants2 [1:12 PM]: and he doesnt even know waht i want, he was so horny he gaveme his adress
DavieWants2 [1:12 PM]: 15
SnapShotDeath [1:12 PM]: im 14
DavieWants2 [1:13 PM]: i bet YOU have a reel smooth fag ass, i sure would love to tear it UP
SnapShotDeath [1:13 PM]: i do what u say
SnapShotDeath [1:13 PM]: u buy me stuff rite?
DavieWants2 [1:13 PM]: for reel, i like that in a boi
DavieWants2 [1:13 PM]: sure kid
SnapShotDeath [1:14 PM]: <—-josh
DavieWants2 [1:14 PM]: do U meet off line with older guys, i wont hurt YOU
SnapShotDeath [1:14 PM]: i met 2
SnapShotDeath [1:14 PM]: but they lie that not rich
DavieWants2 [1:15 PM]: kewl, let me see if ricky is still up to meet, if not ill get back to YOU
SnapShotDeath [1:15 PM]: please
SnapShotDeath [1:17 PM]: i swear im good
DavieWants2 [1:18 PM]: i know YOU are boi, but ricki still wants to meet me at 2 sorry
SnapShotDeath [1:18 PM]: can i call u
DavieWants2 [1:19 PM]: why,
SnapShotDeath [1:19 PM]: cuz if i call u like me i swear
SnapShotDeath [1:21 PM]: u really rich?
DavieWants2 [1:22 PM]: i guess, i reely dont thonk about money
SnapShotDeath [1:22 PM]: that cuz u got it
SnapShotDeath [1:22 PM]: i dont
DavieWants2 [1:23 PM]: sorry, but i will rewward YOU if YOUbecome my little sex boi, but YOu must ne descreeet
SnapShotDeath [1:23 PM]: i promise
SnapShotDeath [1:23 PM]: where dumb azz ricki live?
DavieWants2 [1:24 PM]: in queens, off souther state
SnapShotDeath [1:25 PM]: im in queens 2
DavieWants2 [1:26 PM]: where, i can spin by if riccki is a no show
SnapShotDeath [1:27 PM]: y dont we all do it
DavieWants2 [1:27 PM]: i like to “work ” alone kid
SnapShotDeath [1:27 PM]: but i run away and u get me all the time
DavieWants2 [1:28 PM]: ok ok, i cant resist a boi who wants it
SnapShotDeath [1:28 PM]: can i call u?
DavieWants2 [1:28 PM]: why do YOU want to be phone fucked boi?
SnapShotDeath [1:29 PM]: if u want
DavieWants2 [1:31 PM]: i like to rape my bois for REAL
SnapShotDeath [1:31 PM]: i swear i do what u say
DavieWants2 [1:32 PM]: what if i tell YOU i want to put a rope around YOUR neck as i fuck YOu in YOUR sweet ass, and hear YOU beg not to die
SnapShotDeath [1:32 PM]: u buy me stuff?
DavieWants2 [1:32 PM]: yes i will dont worry
SnapShotDeath [1:33 PM]: k
DavieWants2 [1:33 PM]: YOu dont mind that i love rought sex with my bois
SnapShotDeath [1:34 PM]: no i do what u say
DavieWants2 [1:35 PM]: NY
SnapShotDeath [1:35 PM]: huh?
DavieWants2 [1:35 PM]: YOU live in NY
SnapShotDeath [1:35 PM]: queens
SnapShotDeath [1:35 PM]: i says
DavieWants2 [1:35 PM]: well were exactly boi
SnapShotDeath [1:35 PM]: 76th ave
DavieWants2 [1:36 PM]: how about 3 ish boi
DavieWants2 [1:36 PM]: i have a green 1999 honda, waht corner
SnapShotDeath [1:36 PM]: can i call u so i know ur not freak?
DavieWants2 [1:38 PM]: i am sort of a freak kid, i love to fuck yng bois and hurt them to see if they want more
SnapShotDeath [1:38 PM]: no i gotta rule i dont meet off line with not talkin first cuz lots of peeps out there what to kill fags
DavieWants2 [1:41 PM]: i might be one of them boi, but YOu will have great anal sex if YOU take the chance boi
SnapShotDeath [1:41 PM]: just let me call u now
SnapShotDeath [1:41 PM]: then i b ok
DavieWants2 [1:41 PM]: ok boi 1 631 872 1880
SnapShotDeath [1:44 PM]: whatz ur name?
DavieWants2 [1:45 PM]: david franks
SnapShotDeath [1:58 PM]: what i say?
DavieWants2 [1:58 PM]: sorry i just feel that YOu can have ahappy life, just dont do anything stupid, lie YOu siad ther are lots of sicko out ther kid, so becareful
SnapShotDeath [1:59 PM]: no i swear i do what u say
SnapShotDeath [1:59 PM]: u said u buy me stuff
DavieWants2 [2:00 PM]: but kid, i want YOu to be happy too, so tread carefully itd dangerous out three boi
SnapShotDeath [2:00 PM]: u said u make me happy
SnapShotDeath [2:00 PM]: what i say wrong?
SnapShotDeath [2:01 PM]: please
DavieWants2 [2:02 PM]: nothin, i dont want to hurt YOU
SnapShotDeath [2:02 PM]: hurt me how
SnapShotDeath [2:02 PM]: i dont get it
DavieWants2 [2:02 PM]: well , never mind, i just dont want to ,ok
SnapShotDeath [2:03 PM]: u like that dumb azz ricki better?
DavieWants2 [2:03 PM]: oh no infact the opposite kid, i dont give a fuck about him
SnapShotDeath [2:03 PM]: so y cant we meet
SnapShotDeath [2:03 PM]: i dont get it
SnapShotDeath [2:04 PM]: please tell me what i did
SnapShotDeath [2:05 PM]: i swear i do what u say plesae
SnapShotDeath [2:05 PM]: what i do?
SnapShotDeath [2:06 PM]: y u being mean now?
SnapShotDeath [2:06 PM]: what i say
SnapShotDeath [2:07 PM]: please talk
DavieWants2 [2:07 PM]: ok ok, but what do YOU want me to do?
SnapShotDeath [2:08 PM]: make me happy like u says u will
SnapShotDeath [2:08 PM]: i will do what u say
DavieWants2 [2:08 PM]: but i dont think i can rely nmake U happy, i can only hurt YOU boi
SnapShotDeath [2:08 PM]: how u hurt me?
SnapShotDeath [2:08 PM]: i dont get it
SnapShotDeath [2:09 PM]: like make me sad?
SnapShotDeath [2:09 PM]: ?
SnapShotDeath [2:09 PM]: tell me i dont get it
DavieWants2 [2:10 PM]: id rape YOU if i ever got YOu alone kid, its what i like to do to bois like YOu, so better U dont email, i like YOU
SnapShotDeath [2:10 PM]: i can play rape if u buy me stuff i swear
DavieWants2 [2:11 PM]: why do YOU say that YOU are not liked, i liked YOu almost immediately boi. YOU will do fine , go make some friends
SnapShotDeath [2:12 PM]: i like u 2 so i dont get it
DavieWants2 [2:13 PM]: well kid, it s like this, im a perv and i like to find vulnarable bois like YOU
SnapShotDeath [2:13 PM]: i dont get it
DavieWants2 [2:14 PM]: well ,dont worry about it just be thankfull i like YOu and hope YOu find happiness
SnapShotDeath [2:14 PM]: i dont get it like u would kill me?
DavieWants2 [2:15 PM]: well , it happens boi
SnapShotDeath [2:15 PM]: huh?
DavieWants2 [2:16 PM]: what YOU think , this world is safe and innocent boi, wake up read thepapers
SnapShotDeath [2:16 PM]: u kill peeps?
SnapShotDeath [2:16 PM]: i dont get it
DavieWants2 [2:17 PM]: internet is too porous, but i have …..
SnapShotDeath [2:17 PM]: y u are nice i dont get it
SnapShotDeath [2:18 PM]: i like u
DavieWants2 [2:19 PM]: yeah im reel nice, ive dont long time and i hate the world, how can i be nice kid??
SnapShotDeath [2:19 PM]: huh?
DavieWants2 [2:20 PM]: just dont obsesse with guys, get out and find a nce girl and forget YOU ever herd from me
SnapShotDeath [2:20 PM]: i dont like girls
SnapShotDeath [2:20 PM]: i like u
DavieWants2 [2:21 PM]: try, there gentle and lovable and can help YOu when depressed boi
SnapShotDeath [2:21 PM]: like u hate every thin and i do 2 so maybe we will love each other
DavieWants2 [2:22 PM]: silly U boi, i dont fuck for love , i enjoy seeing the fright in my bois face when im putting my hands around his thin neck as i molest him
DavieWants2 [2:22 PM]: im a reel nice guy , huh?
SnapShotDeath [2:22 PM]: i no i can make u happy
SnapShotDeath [2:23 PM]: i want 2 die 2
SnapShotDeath [2:23 PM]: but if ur my dad i b happy
SnapShotDeath [2:23 PM]: get it
DavieWants2 [2:24 PM]: YOUR not making sence, why do YOu want to die boi? your young and a whole life in front of YOu silly
SnapShotDeath [2:24 PM]: cuz no one loves me
DavieWants2 [2:24 PM]: i do boi, i do in just two minutes, so you must be lovable ok,
SnapShotDeath [2:25 PM]: so y not we be 2gether
SnapShotDeath [2:25 PM]: i no lots of bois u can luk at
SnapShotDeath [2:25 PM]: i can help u get them
DavieWants2 [2:25 PM]: YOUR such a cute little boi, if i didnt like YOu id take advantage of YOu and YOUR nieve life boi
SnapShotDeath [2:26 PM]: y u doing this?
SnapShotDeath [2:26 PM]: i u playin me?
DavieWants2 [2:26 PM]: oh no i am not, i just think YOUR differenrt than most bois i meet
SnapShotDeath [2:27 PM]: y?
DavieWants2 [2:27 PM]: dont know , maybe YOUR voice, may be YOUR cute little body, i dont know
SnapShotDeath [2:28 PM]: u really kill peeps?
DavieWants2 [2:28 PM]: i reely cant talk here but some times things do get out of hand, in fact this one time this boi tried to bite my cock to get away, i had to strangel him
SnapShotDeath [2:29 PM]: that sounds kinda fun
SnapShotDeath [2:29 PM]: i dream bout killin kids in my school that mean to me
DavieWants2 [2:30 PM]: it wasa cheep thrill if YOu must know, but i sort of felt bad casue he was a very lonely boi and he wanted it i think
DavieWants2 [2:30 PM]: why they mean to YOU boi
SnapShotDeath [2:30 PM]: cuz im gay
DavieWants2 [2:31 PM]: oh so are lots of them bois YOU look at
SnapShotDeath [2:31 PM]: i killed a cat when i was 12 it was kinda fun
DavieWants2 [2:31 PM]: how did u kill it kid
SnapShotDeath [2:32 PM]: i smashed it in the alley with a base ball bat
DavieWants2 [2:32 PM]: wow, i bet it was a screamer
SnapShotDeath [2:33 PM]: i think i got it on the second hit but once i started it was fun and i kept goin
DavieWants2 [2:34 PM]: hope YOU dont like it too much boi thats how my sickness started boi, i first would mutalate animals
SnapShotDeath [2:34 PM]: c we are same
DavieWants2 [2:34 PM]: but i dont want U to be like me boi
DavieWants2 [2:35 PM]: lots og guilt , lots of lonelyness
SnapShotDeath [2:35 PM]: we have fun
SnapShotDeath [2:37 PM]: i swear i do what u say
DavieWants2 [2:37 PM]: ok ok boi , your hopeless
SnapShotDeath [2:37 PM]: what u mean?
DavieWants2 [2:38 PM]: i give up, ill meet YOU if YOU reely want to
SnapShotDeath [2:38 PM]: what we do?
DavieWants2 [2:40 PM]: i hope YOU like haveing a cock up YOU hole boi ,i like to fill my bos faghole with cum all day even if i have to tie YOU up and fuck you 24 hours, i need to see my cum lesaking out YOUR ass
SnapShotDeath [2:41 PM]: then we go shopping?
DavieWants2 [2:41 PM]: sure, then to a motel boi
SnapShotDeath [2:41 PM]: i like u
DavieWants2 [2:42 PM]: but YOu must be so descreet, dont mention me to anyone boi
SnapShotDeath [2:42 PM]: i promise
SnapShotDeath [2:42 PM]: but i thought i can live with u
SnapShotDeath [2:42 PM]: y hotel?
SnapShotDeath [2:43 PM]: ?
SnapShotDeath [2:44 PM]: u there?
DavieWants2 [2:46 PM]: oops got booted, i dont want to live with anyone boi, but i will teach YOU an be YOUR mentor if YOU like boi, then maybe if YOU are not a jerk may be YOU can move in with me, if YOUR still want to
SnapShotDeath [2:47 PM]: i really like u
DavieWants2 [2:47 PM]: ok but dont think ill let YOU fuck me, ill do all the fucking boi
SnapShotDeath [2:48 PM]: i like to kiss lots
DavieWants2 [2:49 PM]: well lets take it slow boi, i prefer to be in control and i like to fuck without condoms boi
SnapShotDeath [2:49 PM]: i do what u say if you love me
DavieWants2 [2:50 PM]: ill be very demanding boi, andi dont want to hear YOu complain
SnapShotDeath [2:50 PM]: i swear i wont
DavieWants2 [2:50 PM]: if i tell YOU drink my piss in the morning i dont want to hear you bitch boi
SnapShotDeath [2:51 PM]: i wont i swear


SnapShotDeath [9:05 PM]: hi
DavieWants2 [9:05 PM]: oh hi again boi
SnapShotDeath [9:05 PM]: my mom got home so i had 2 tno use the fone
DavieWants2 [9:06 PM]: oh , i understand boi,
DavieWants2 [9:06 PM]: mom doesn nU like to have your fag hole fucked
SnapShotDeath [9:08 PM]: u meet riccki
DavieWants2 [9:08 PM]: yup ,
SnapShotDeath [9:08 PM]: y not me
DavieWants2 [9:09 PM]: i want both YOu and ricci, but i surw would not turn YOu doen boi
SnapShotDeath [9:09 PM]: huh?
DavieWants2 [9:10 PM]: i would love to be naked wirh YOu and have your as spread and readuy for my mancock
SnapShotDeath [9:10 PM]: i do what u say
DavieWants2 [9:11 PM]: i know U will boi, i love bois like U that dont resist having there ass filled with my cock
SnapShotDeath [9:11 PM]: did u kill him>?
DavieWants2 [9:12 PM]: no i just scard him , bu tif he wanted it die i woulds have been happy
SnapShotDeath [9:20 PM]: i want to kill him
DavieWants2 [9:20 PM]: but why boi
SnapShotDeath [9:20 PM]: cuz u did hi \ not me
DavieWants2 [9:21 PM]: but he loved near by , u dont
SnapShotDeath [9:21 PM]: ?
DavieWants2 [9:22 PM]: he lived near me silly U
SnapShotDeath [9:22 PM]: im in queens
SnapShotDeath [9:22 PM]: lets cut him up
DavieWants2 [9:22 PM]: oh , i forgot
DavieWants2 [9:22 PM]: ok, bu ti get to save his cock and nuts boi
SnapShotDeath [9:23 PM]: huh
DavieWants2 [9:23 PM]: i get to keep his cock boi
SnapShotDeath [9:23 PM]: if we cut him up
DavieWants2 [9:24 PM]: yeah, but why do U want to get involved
SnapShotDeath [9:24 PM]: cuz if i do u love me
DavieWants2 [9:24 PM]: i sure will boi
SnapShotDeath [9:24 PM]: and i have fun
DavieWants2 [9:25 PM]: boi, i reely dont think U can handle it
SnapShotDeath [9:25 PM]: no u show me
DavieWants2 [9:25 PM]: id reely like to boi
SnapShotDeath [9:26 PM]: i saw a dog today and want to beat it
DavieWants2 [9:26 PM]: kewl, why did u want to beat it boi,
SnapShotDeath [9:27 PM]: i want to smash its head
DavieWants2 [9:27 PM]: boi you remind me too much of me
SnapShotDeath [9:28 PM]: like blood and guts and shyt
DavieWants2 [9:29 PM]: me too, i love ot see a boi ‘s face as im about to put my hands around his neck and face fuck him
SnapShotDeath [9:30 PM]: i dont do that is it hard
DavieWants2 [9:31 PM]: i no boi, but YOu will one day, i pro
SnapShotDeath [9:31 PM]: i just want u 2 like me
DavieWants2 [9:32 PM]: but i do boi, i sure do, and one day may be we can be invovled in some rape murder together boi
SnapShotDeath [9:33 PM]: how we do that
DavieWants2 [9:33 PM]: ill get us a fag boi who has no reel family and we can have some fun with him
SnapShotDeath [9:34 PM]: what we do?
DavieWants2 [9:36 PM]: well mutalate him but before we do well stick your cocks into him, we can even cut his nuts off and stick our cocks into him were his nuts use to be, i love the feweling of my cock with blodd on it and i reely love the feeling of my cock inside a boys body cavity that i cut open
SnapShotDeath [9:38 PM]: i never done that
DavieWants2 [9:38 PM]: well one day u will if i no u, YOUR a lot like me wheni was a boi
SnapShotDeath [9:38 PM]: i gotta go
DavieWants2 [9:39 PM]: k bye boi


SnapShotDeath [5:31 PM]: where u been?
DavieWants2 [5:32 PM]: sorry been so busy
SnapShotDeath [5:32 PM]: i try 2 send email and it says ur not member then ur profi is gone
SnapShotDeath [5:32 PM]: so i call and it sayz to check number
DavieWants2 [5:33 PM]: i was out of town so i shut off my screennames
SnapShotDeath [5:33 PM]: ur fone dont work 2
DavieWants2 [5:33 PM]: i was in the mountains of NH it didnt work
SnapShotDeath [5:34 PM]: o i thot it like mine prepay so if u dont pay it dont work
DavieWants2 [5:34 PM]: nope, it was in the mountaism boi,
DavieWants2 [5:34 PM]: but i was thinking of YOu so much
SnapShotDeath [5:35 PM]: me 2 i killed nuther cat
DavieWants2 [5:35 PM]: why boi. ?
SnapShotDeath [5:35 PM]: i wanted 2
DavieWants2 [5:35 PM]: did it make YOU hard boi?
SnapShotDeath [5:35 PM]: it made me like feel like i oculd do all
SnapShotDeath [5:35 PM]: like i was big
DavieWants2 [5:36 PM]: boi, YOU make me so hard, i would reely just love to met and fuck boi
DavieWants2 [5:36 PM]: id be very abusive and rought if that is waht my boi likes
SnapShotDeath [5:36 PM]: why u go to mountains?
DavieWants2 [5:37 PM]: vacation …sort of…
SnapShotDeath [5:37 PM]: what that mean
DavieWants2 [5:37 PM]: nothing boi, dont worry about it, i just am glad YOU emialed me again
SnapShotDeath [5:38 PM]: i want to put the cat in the microwave but was scared
DavieWants2 [5:38 PM]: what the heck, its a useless creature anyway
SnapShotDeath [5:38 PM]: no but what if i culn’t get it all out
DavieWants2 [5:39 PM]: yeah, i guess it would be sort of a mess
SnapShotDeath [5:40 PM]: no so i took ruber bands with a zip bag over his head and watched him freak and die it was funny
DavieWants2 [5:41 PM]: i bet he squermed reel good boi
SnapShotDeath [5:41 PM]: lots and hit walls and i kicked him round
SnapShotDeath [5:42 PM]: brb
DavieWants2 [5:42 PM]: its like tthe bois whose cock i grabbed and twisted and tossed thois boi against a tree once
SnapShotDeath [5:50 PM]: srry
DavieWants2 [5:50 PM]: its ok boi,
SnapShotDeath [5:50 PM]: i had to poop
DavieWants2 [5:51 PM]: oh i hope everything came out okay boi
SnapShotDeath [5:51 PM]: all good
SnapShotDeath [5:51 PM]: lol
SnapShotDeath [5:51 PM]: i dont get what u said bout the tree
DavieWants2 [5:52 PM]: i ssaid i once smacked this bois head against a tree when he wanted to stop
SnapShotDeath [5:52 PM]: did he cry
DavieWants2 [5:52 PM]: yes
SnapShotDeath [5:52 PM]: lol
SnapShotDeath [5:53 PM]: did u kill him
DavieWants2 [5:53 PM]: oh no, but i should have
SnapShotDeath [5:53 PM]: i hate cry babys
DavieWants2 [5:54 PM]: me too, but waht can U do/ most bois cry
SnapShotDeath [5:54 PM]: i dont
DavieWants2 [5:55 PM]: reely. id make YOU cry boi
SnapShotDeath [5:55 PM]: nope i dont
DavieWants2 [5:56 PM]: even if i tied U spread eagle to a tree and stuck and stabbed YOUR nuts with a stick
SnapShotDeath [5:56 PM]: nope
SnapShotDeath [5:56 PM]: im bad
SnapShotDeath [5:57 PM]: u ever cut sum1 up i wanted 2 cut the cat up but dont no how
DavieWants2 [5:57 PM]: well sort of , i did slice this bois nut sac after he bit me
SnapShotDeath [5:59 PM]: he dead
DavieWants2 [6:00 PM]: oh no, just wanted to let him know that i wanted my cock sucked, he was only poked , it hardly broke the skin
SnapShotDeath [6:00 PM]: so u lied u never really killed no 1?
SnapShotDeath [6:01 PM]: ?
DavieWants2 [6:01 PM]: oh yeah, i did but i reely cant talk about it here silly boi
SnapShotDeath [6:01 PM]: y not?
SnapShotDeath [6:01 PM]: i tell u bout the cat
SnapShotDeath [6:01 PM]: i want 2 no how to do it
DavieWants2 [6:02 PM]: but i reely dont like to beside s it was a while a go
SnapShotDeath [6:02 PM]: u says u do
DavieWants2 [6:03 PM]: thanks boi
SnapShotDeath [6:03 PM]: huh?
DavieWants2 [6:04 PM]: ok ok, i did but he was never found and i would like it to stay that way boi
SnapShotDeath [6:04 PM]: thats hot
SnapShotDeath [6:04 PM]: its like the catz
SnapShotDeath [6:05 PM]: i just put them in bag and in the dumpster
DavieWants2 [6:05 PM]: it can be a trun on
SnapShotDeath [6:06 PM]: u like cut him up
DavieWants2 [6:07 PM]: sort of, but waht i did was made sure he had no id , and i made sure he was pretty much disbursted
SnapShotDeath [6:07 PM]: huh?
SnapShotDeath [6:08 PM]: whats that mean
DavieWants2 [6:09 PM]: i drove around all nite and distributed body parts to every corner of the state
SnapShotDeath [6:09 PM]: o
SnapShotDeath [6:09 PM]: thats kewl
SnapShotDeath [6:10 PM]: i wanna keep the dick
DavieWants2 [6:11 PM]: yeah ok. well see, but i sure get turned on by wanting to see YOU naked and see how good a fuck YOU are boi
SnapShotDeath [6:11 PM]: im finnneeeee
DavieWants2 [6:12 PM]: i bet YOU are boi,
SnapShotDeath [6:12 PM]: shyt i gotta go im gotta b at tonyz at 6-30 to eat cuz my mas a crack whore and we got no food
DavieWants2 [6:12 PM]: have fun boi
SnapShotDeath [6:12 PM]: u gotta nuther number i can call u 2nite the one u give me keeps sayin try the number gain
SnapShotDeath [6:12 PM]: like itz disco’d
DavieWants2 [6:13 PM]: 1 631 872 1880 is my only # boi, wouild love to fuck U later too
SnapShotDeath [6:13 PM]: k i call laytar
DavieWants2 [6:13 PM]: yes boi, but be ready to be roughted up boi

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