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Robert “Robbie” Robertson

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Retired Navy SEAL Don Shipley BUSTS Phony Navy SEAL Robert “Robbie” Robinson from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Robbie has been listed as a fraud and resigned from the VFW.…

My letter to the VFW Post…
I was just wondering why no one at the VFW Post has questioned Robbie “Robert” Robinson’s military credentials? I just spoke to him after I was sent the pictures and he claimed his military records were “sealed” from the classified nature of his work in Vietnam as a Navy SEAL. He also claimed he changed his name which is NOT true when I began questioning why his name wasn’t listed in the SEAL Database. And he could not give me a training class number first saying it was Class 48 and then changing it to Class 4.

Not knowing your SEAL Training Class number is like not knowing your wife’s name…

It’s very clear he was never a Navy SEAL because I’m a retired SEAL and I quickly checked and found NO LISTING of him ever being a SEAL. Claiming his records are classified is complete and total B%$%#$*T. And he finally admitted he was a fraud to me after I pulled the SEAL Rug out from under him…

That SEAL Trident is worn on the wrong side of his uniform.

His awards are ALL JACKED UP and I’m surprised that at a Memorial Day celebration there wasn’t a single Purple Heart recipient present that would have asked him “Why do you have a Combat V Device on the Purple Heart you’re wearing?” That’s NOT correct…

Or asked, since you have a Silver and Bronze Star “where is your Combat Action Ribbon?”

Or asked, a Bronze Star awarded for combat, no matter what branch of service, is awarded with a “Combat V Device.” If awarded meritoriously (non combat) it contains no “V.” All subsequent awards are a Gold Star in lieu of second, third award, etc. Why does yours have a small bronze star on it? That is NOT correct.

Or asked, why is the very senior Joint Service Commendation Medal behind the lowly Coast Guard Meritorious Team Commendation Ribbon and so far out of whack in the US Military Order of Awards Precedence?

A close look at the Silver Star he’s wearing shows a distinct “hole” in the center of it meaning at some point he was claiming “two” of them and the device was removed or fell off…

Brian K Murphy was just removed as Post Commander of Post 8182 in Florida for his outrageous Navy SEAL claims I exposed… What’s in the water in Florida that you VFW guys don’t question a members credentials or claims? How do they get away with this for so long?

At this point not a single word that comes from Robinson’s mouth can be believed. 40+ years of service (he claims) and he wears 10 “RED” and not Gold Hash Marks as a Master Chief? Between that and the awards that looks like he put on in the dark I have my doubts he ever served a single day in the military. It wouldn’t EVEN be close to the first time I discovered that’s been the case…

Robinson in this video at the 3-minute mark of your Memorial Day celebration is SHAMEFUL.…

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