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Suffolk County Cop Melville NY

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I am a supporter of the police departments everywhere.
I have always felt that people who have problems with cops did something to deserve it!
And I still feel that way.
But recently I encountered an officer one night in Melville (2nd pct)who has me letting you know that all cops aren’t ” good guys”.
This officer proves there is a rotten apple in every bunch.
The officer “bragged” about being a badass and invited me to google his name to prove it.
( I have since )
No I’m not a kid, I’m near 60 years old was very polite, cooperative and apologetic for being parked on the side of the road using my cell phone.
The officer proceeded to tell me how he is going to teach me a lesson even after pleading my case.
He proceeded to write a ticket for a moving violation for my parked car.( If I was not in car it would have been a parking ticket)
I now see why police sometimes get bad press!
My company is very strict about their driving record policy.
I have no accidents and no tickets!
He took my phone# and offered to make a deal with me If I helped him with some street racer information I can’t possibly produce. (he never called)
( I’m not a street racer, I’m driving a 15 year old 200+k miles SUV)
The Melville 2nd precinct should be embarrassed and ashamed to have someone like this as part of their team.
If you encountered this officer let me know, he has bragged about the teenage kids he has”taught a lesson too”. I got a feeling this guy is making a name for himself in the area between Farmingdale and the expressway by rt.110.
I regret not recording our conversation with my cell phone.
“This officer is the reason all cops should have dash cams and body cams.”
If I had I’m confident he would be unemployed .
The police department does not need officers with “issues” associated with their fine organization.
Let’s help the police “filter” out the dirt that gives the good officers a bad name.
Having no choice and no way to prove my innocence,.
I Paid my ticket today(last week) $496.00
To have this violation plea bargained to a non moving violation 0 points.
It was a lesson well learned!
( you can look up the rogue cop by doing a Google search of Melville park rd street racer arrest officer F**a)
( I got several E-mails on
This self proclaimed”badass” cop )

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